A Woman's Voice

MEMORY LANE ~ Through the Eyes of a Child ~ November 30, 2011 by Lorraine Gauthier

 My Sister’s Voice

As children, with the purest of hearts we see life with wonder.  We learn to walk by crawling, standing, and falling…so similar to life as an adult. We educate ourselves by seeing, hearing and copying those we want to be like…a parent, an older sibling, or a friend.    

We all started off as children and somewhere in us, we still have the heart of that young child. I know I still do.  As an innocent child, I usually chose to do things for the absolute right reason.  

At age two, I chose to cut off my hair to look like a boy. The reason…my dad had ‘hoped’ I was a boy  because he wanted another son after my brother and three sisters were born.  I loved him and wanted to please him. I wanted to give him what I ‘thought’ was a boy, as if cutting off my hair, would do the trick. 

Years later, we had another girl born into our family. Now there were five girls. We had a small house and had to learn how to share. We were lucky to get a new chest of drawers.  This was very exciting to me because now we could each have our own drawer for our personal belongings.  However, I was worried that we, as sisters, wouldn’t recognize our own drawer.  I decided to engrave our names on each drawer so that my sisters knew which one was theirs.  Needless to say, this was not well received.  My dad was furious.  I was punished because I had damaged the new chest of drawers. 

How many times in life, even as an adult, do we have perfectly good intentions, with the purest of hearts, yet it is received differently?  I am grateful that throughout our lives we can still have the heart of a child.   

Over the years, this child’s heart will feel both joy and pain. It truly becomes our guide to how we perceive things as an adult.  Hopefully, we can continue to see the beauty in all things like we did as an innocent child! 

Thank you Lorraine! 

Lorraine holds a B.A. with a major in Psychology from the University of Winnipeg.  She  is a member of Advocis and a Life member of Million Dollar Round Table. Lorraine lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba with her husband Barry.  She works full-time as an Advisor at Sun Life Financial.

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