A Woman's Voice


This is a very profound quote.  If I can leave anything with you today, I would like to give you the gift of believing in yourself. It won’t happen in one day, but maybe it will be the first seed that when nurtured, will bloom into a very fruitful tree. So many of us look for validation outside of ourselves to identify who we are by how others react to us.  We may look to others for approval instead of being our authentic self.  It is necessary to find that validation from within in order to have a true belief in ourselves.

If we rely on others to form this belief, we may lose sight of all that we hope to be because we have compromised facets of our own personality and character so that we will be loved and accepted. This is conditional love. It takes real courage and true grit to be different and stand up for our beliefs. We can only find this courage when we have the strength and determination to validate who we are from the inner stirrings of our Maker.

These stirrings may begin by a dissatisfaction or lack of contentment in our lives that just won’t leave us, but there is a reason for this. If we are always satisfied with our situation in life, there would be no room for growth or any desire to change our circumstances or anyone else’s for that matter.  Growth results in many fine attributes like self-worth, self-esteem and a desire to make a difference.  With these attributes, we learn about hope and the gift of believing in ourselves…a gift so wondrous that we can stand tall and be exactly whom we were meant to be regardless of other people’s opinion of us. Be true to these inner stirrings and you will learn how to believe in yourself.

8 Responses to 'INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES AND ANECDOTES ~ April 18, 2011'

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  1. Desiray said,

    Profound but yet so very true. I love profound thoughts gives me something to really think about.

    • Thanks Desiray!
      I know how important it is for you to think things through as demonstrated by your devotional and inspirational articles. You have motivated me several times to really think and I appreciate you for it.

  2. Susan Earl said,

    Beautiful quote… and well said, Dolores. It is often hard to believe in ourselves and to step away from what others may have “helped” us to believe about ourselves. Although once you have the “courage” to step away from the opinions of others and discover who you are inside, you’re often surprised to find a most wonderful person who can do or be whomever he/she chooses to be.
    🙂 Susan

    • Thank you Susan,
      Your opinion and support mean a great deal to me. It is very true that it does take “courage” to step away from what others may think about us but when we do, we find many pleasant surprises. This discovery offers us much inner strength and the freedom to be all that we are meant to be. A “new” you will be the result and it’s well-worth the risk to try and find the courage to take that initial step in order to believe in yourself.

  3. Charles Betts said,

    Dolores; I read with interest your article today. To go along with this, I would like to interject that my experience in life has been, many people are unhappy today because they don’t have a connection with who they really are. They search so hard for that which is better left alone and spend so little effort searching for that which means so much. The first being the approval of others and the second being the approval of themselves in and through Christ. No wonder that the scriptures say ” He who will find himself must first lose himself in me and whoever will lose himself in me will find himself” There is no substitute that I know of. Many have tried other things but I have found this alone works. When I become overwhelmed in life, it has been my experience that by looking it over carefully, I have been attempting things on my own. Time to stop and retrace and do what I know I should, ask for and follow God’s plan.
    I am also including a poem I did that sort of goes along with this. Enjoy and God bless you, yours and your readers, Charles Betts

    Lost In The Mirror

    I felt lost in the mirror’s reflection
    ‘Cause I wasn’t really sure it was me
    I couldn’t seem to make the connection
    ‘Tween them and who I wanted to be

    Like a mirror looking into a mirror
    The reflections just kept going on
    The ones at the back disappeared
    It seemed to me that I was a pawn

    I fell under the strong influence of others
    I made changes I thought they’d accept
    I thought for sure I would be smothered
    Every change left me feeling so inept

    Then one day my whole world fell apart
    I couldn’t stand what I saw in my face
    So I asked Jesus to come into my heart
    He filled me with His mercy and grace

    Now I like what the mirror is reflecting
    And I like what God’s done to my soul
    The mirror is His word I’m inspecting
    And I’m so glad that I’m in His control

    A poem by Charles Betts
    July 10th 2005

    • Thanks Charles for this well-thought out response and beautiful poem. I wanted to share it with all my readers so I posted it on my main blog for all to enjoy.

  4. Andrea said,

    I love this quote, and how true it is!!

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